These dreams are invariably accompanied by a feeling of dread which brings the dream to an end.. Possibly he took up the far, faint tune that came from the straggling gang of negroes away off in the field, as they slowly chopped amid the threadlike rows of cotton plants which lined the level ground, for the melody he hummed softly and then sang strongly, in the quavering, catchy tones of a good old country churchman, was I'm glad salvation's free...
I was walking along the garden path, and I was looking down. When I looked up again, for reasons I never understood, I was no longer on the garden path. All around me, I realised, were trees and dense vegetation that stretched for miles and miles. Above me, the sky was filled with thick grey pillows. A streak of blue lightning raced across the firmanent, and it began to rain. The rain stopped almost as suddenly as it had begun.
The sun never came up again.
These dreams are invariably accompanied by a feeling of dread which brings the dream to an end.. Possibly he took up the far, faint tune that came from the straggling gang of negroes away off in the field, as they slowly chopped amid the threadlike rows of cotton plants which lined the level ground, for the melody he hummed softly and then sang strongly, in the quavering, catchy tones of a good old country churchman, was I'm glad salvation's free...
alex, at 3:33 PM
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