I remember when I was young, I always envied adults for all the freedom they seemed to be entitled to, for their not needing to attend lessons in school, for everything they did. They say the grass is always greener on the other side. Which makes me wonder "they" are always right. The paradox is, with more freedom that comes along with growing up, comes more responsibility. You're not only accountable to yourself, but also to the people around you, your family and friends, even to people whom you have absolutely no connection with.
My view has broadened somewhat, certain issues that never bothered me have begun to bite my mind like how termites tear through cellulose. In the past few months, I have seen a lot more things that I have never seen before. I've learnt that people out there are not as naive as the people that you thought they might be.
And yet there are some things that even grown ups find hard to deal with.
I was walking along the garden path, and I was looking down. When I looked up again, for reasons I never understood, I was no longer on the garden path. All around me, I realised, were trees and dense vegetation that stretched for miles and miles. Above me, the sky was filled with thick grey pillows. A streak of blue lightning raced across the firmanent, and it began to rain. The rain stopped almost as suddenly as it had begun.
The sun never came up again.